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-1주일-휴대폰지갑가방(터치스크린)Mobile Phone Wallet Bag(Touchscreen)솔직후기

by 햇살쨍쨍 2024. 2. 15.

휴대폰지갑가방 착용

일주일간 매일 가지고 다녔어요. ㅎㅎ 찐후기 갑니다.

수납공간이 너무좁지도 그렇다고 넓지도 않은 애매함이 있어서 폰을 넣으면 립글로즈같은거 한두개 들어가면 딱이고 앞쪽에 신분증이랑 카드 넣어놓으니까 애플페이가 있어도 쓸상황이 안되는 저로서는 지갑으로서는 편했어요. 안에 지폐들도 안정적으로 들어가고ㅎㅎ 사실 마침 설이라 뜬금없는 용돈을 현금으로 받게 되어서 넣어봤거든요.ㅎㅎㅎ

I've been carrying it around every day for a week. Here's my real review.

The storage space is awkwardly sized - not too tight, but not spacious either. It fits my phone and maybe a lip gloss or two perfectly. There's a front section where I put my ID and cards, which was convenient as a wallet since I didn't need to use Apple Pay. The bills fit securely inside, too. Actually, it was the Lunar New Year, so I unexpectedly received some cash gifts and tried putting them in. Haha.




지퍼가 한방향으로 빙 둘르게 되어 있어서 지퍼 주욱 닫고 뚜껑닫고 지퍼 주욱 열고 뚜껑열고 하는게 되게 번거롭더라고요. 저 뚜껑? 도 좌석식이면 더 편할거 같은데 약간 꾸욱 눌러서 닫는 똑딱이 식이라서 조금 아쉬웠네요. 그렇다고 힘들어갈정도는 아니구요. 그래서 저는 저 자크를 반만 닫았어요. 폰을 잘 안쓸때는 넣어놓고 다니다가 폰계속 볼때는 그냥 뒷주머니에 넣고 저 폰들어갈 자리에 쿠션까지 넣었어요. 그러고보니 저게 터치스크린이 포인트였던 것 같은데...ㅎㅎ 그냥 폰에 뭐 왔는지만 알림 확인하는 용도로만 쓰였던 것 같네요.


The zipper goes around in one direction, so it's quite cumbersome to zip it up, close the lid, unzip it, and open the lid again. The lid? I wish it were a flap style rather than a snap button because you have to press it down to close it, which was a bit disappointing. It's not too bothersome, though. So I only zipped it halfway. When I don't use my phone much, I put it in there, but when I'm constantly checking it, I just put it in my back pocket and even added a cushion in the phone's spot in the wallet. Now that I think about it, the touchscreen feature seems to have been the selling point... haha. I ended up using it just to check notifications.



결론은 핸드폰 넣을땐 립글로즈나 그런류를 2개까지 넣어야 뚜껑이 닫히구요. 폰없을땐 쿠션, 립글로즈, 컨실러 넣으니까 적당했고 현금수납이랑 카드수납이 참 좋았다 였습니다. 가격이 착하니까 왠지 더 착해보이는것 같기도 했어요.ㅎㅎ 잘 쓰고 있습니당.

In conclusion, when I put my phone in, I can fit up to two items like lip glosses before it closes properly. Without the phone, the wallet holds a cushion, lip gloss, and concealer just right. The cash and card storage was really nice. The price seems reasonable, which somehow makes it appear even nicer. Haha, I'm using it well.